To help those in need during this global pandemic, I’m accepting a limited number of email applications for discounted online life coaching sessions for the following programs:

1. Daily Management Program:
Overwhelmed with the daily news? This program will help you get a sense of control back to your life. We will build a schedule to manage your day and work together so you can be more productive and get things done!

2. Finance Program:
Worried about your finances due to the Coronavirus pandemic? In this program we will build a financial response plan, keep track of where your money is going and explore income possibilities so you feel more financially secure while reducing anxiety.

3. Nutrition Program:
Eating more than you are used to? Binging on unhealthy food? In this program we will work together to set you off on a journey to healthier eating habits. Instead of feeling ashamed and guilty you will feel proud and love yourself for the better choices you will make for your health!

4. Physical Wellness Program:
Have you become a couch potato in front of your TV/computer? Binge-watching Netflix? Having a hard time becoming physically active? We have lots of time these days but we might be missing the necessary motivation. In this program I’ll help you get moving and into a routine that will make you excited and feeling better about yourself.

5. Relationship Program:
Challenging times with your spouse/loved ones? Do you generally have trouble finding a relationship? This is the program for you! Learn techniques to move forward in the specific relationship areas with which you are struggling, explore new behaviors and step up your love life!

6. Happiness Program: 
Are you feeling tired, scared or unmotivated due to the pandemic? Use this time to connect with yourself, reignite those lost passions and work together to explore inhouse techniques to bring your happy smile!

7. Confidence Program:
Do you put yourself down? Compare yourself to others and feel like you always run short? This is the program for you. It’s time to put yourself FIRST! Remember just how amazing you really are (in case you forgot or just don’t know). Here we will focus on your strengths, capabilities, accomplishments (even if that critical voice of yours is telling you there are none) and unlock the potential that is being restrained by your inner saboteur.  We will raise your confidence and self-love to unimaginable new levels!

8. Business Coaching Program:
Is Corona crushing your revenue? Is your business on the brink of closing? In this program we will get creative and work together to adjust your product or service to these challenging days. Brainstorm with an experienced business coach to power up your business. Millions are sitting home and might use your product or service so let’s set a plan to get you business back on its feet!

Before applying please consider that the discounted Coaching Programs are:


  • Result-oriented programs that require commitment and seriousness on your part. The sessions are meant for people who want to make a real change in their lives and are willing to work for them!

  • Weekly. We meet every week for one hour virtually (by phone or video) at specific set times. 

  • Include defining a clear coaching goal for you so we know where we are going and define results you are looking to achieve!



If this sounds like
you please proceed!

Here’s how to apply
for discounted coaching:

  1. Write which program you want to apply for from the list above (indicate program #).
  2. Briefly describe:

    Your full name, age, profession and where you are from.

    Why do you need this program and how will it advance your life? (150 words max).

    Have you worked with a life coach or therapist before? (If yes, how was your experience? 150 words max)

  3. Email your answers to 



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Tomi Dagan